This year’s orientation featured neuroscientist and founding director of the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, Dr. Howard Fillit, Genontologist and SR Board Member, Dr. Linda DeCherrie, Young Leaders Kate Mintz and Avital Mintz and SR CEO Karen Young. Watch the video and listen to the goal of … [Read more...]
Sweet Readers Expands in London!
Alleyn's Sweet Readers, now in their third year at Castlebar Care Home, have expanded another 27% this year. While we miss Natalie (who will soon be back!) the program continues to flourish under the excellent leadership of Nicholas, Jenny (featured in the upper left part of 壯陽藥 this page) … [Read more...]
TYWLS 7th graders deepen Sweet Readers engagement!
The Young Women’s Leadership School of East Harlem deepens Sweet Readers engagement in partnership with the Nightingale-Bamford School. As we build upon our Bridged Diverse Communities Model, 7th grade TYWLS Sweet Readers are participating in the Sweet Readers program for 26 hours/school … [Read more...]
“Learn from the Experts” interview series unveiled!
Learn about Alzheimer’s and brain health from the experts! Our Young Leaders have discovered some of the finest minds in Alzheimer’s research and brain health and have launched their Le日本藤素 arn from the Experts Series to bring the experts to you! … [Read more...]
Sweet Readers expands in London!
In 2016 we brought a Goodwill Delegation from New York and Connecticut to London and launched the Alleyn's Sweet Readers program at Castlebar Care Home. Our team was matched by a fantastic team at Alleyn's School and dedicated partners at Castlebar Care Home. Watching the US Sweet … [Read more...]
Sweet Readers expands Early Stage Community!
We are delighted to announce 犀利士 10 new Manhattan programs developed specifically for adults living with early- to mid-stage Alzheimer’s and their care partners. Each program is 5-6 one-hour weekly facilitated sessions during which adults and their care partners, paired with Sweet Readers, … [Read more...]
Sweet Readers expands in Canada!
In June, 2017 we piloted Sweet Readers Canada, our second international community, with Bi犀利士 shops Sweet Readers at Grace Village. A special thanks to Tyler Lewis and his fabulous team at Bishops as well as the dedicated staff at Grace Village and Bravo to Young Leader Isabella S. who … [Read more...]
Young Leaders facilitate!
After successfully facilitating our weekend workshops at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, our Young Leaders have expanded their reach, facilitating at The New York Historical Society, 80th Street Residence and The Jewish Home this year. Well done! … [Read more...]
Sweet Readers is delighted to welcome Merideth Rosh!
Merideth Rosh has joined the Sweet Readers family as our new Family Liaison! Merideth serves as the interface between our adult participants and their families and Sweet Readers. We are so grateful for Merideth who is a lovely person and smart professional and look forward to welcoming … [Read more...]