Our intergenerational programs pair middle school students ages 11-14 (called Sweet Readers) and adults in an intimate group setting in school classrooms, eldercare centers and museums.
The programs meet weekly and over the course of six weeks, participants together explore and create art, music, poetry and/or movement as they discover each other. Sessions are led by a trained facilitator with a customized Sweet Readers curriculum.
Our programs foster a warm, inclusive feeling of community during which everyone has a vital purpose.
Community Events
Our Community Events bridge, support and strengthen our communities and raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and how to protect your brain!! There are many ways to get involved.

The Sweet Readers Leadership Council is comprised of select high school students, Sweet Readers alumni, who believe in the power of young people to change the course of Alzheimer’s and enrich diverse communities in the process.
The Council’s mission is to build Sweet Readers communities and educate the public about Alzheimer’s and Brain Health.
The Sweet Readers Method
The Sweet Readers Method of Transformative Human Engagement, starting with our experiential Playshop!® training programs, is based on five major steps. Our Method transcends all of our programs.
The Sweet Readers method of Transformative Human Engagement:
Our Playshop!® training method is a fun and creative learning environment during which participants learn about The Sweet Readers Movement for systemic change, the Science of Alzheimer’s, our Method of Transformative Human Engagement and how to best utilize the arts.
Each program is rigorously evaluated from multiple perspectives, including self-reflection. Participants are validated in culminating events, our community programs, through social media and with progressive engagement opportunities including our Leadership Council.