The Brunswick Sweet Readers program started in 2013 and has expanded to include 57 8th graders each year.
By the end of the current school year, Brunswick Sweet Readers, with help from 7 trained Brunswick faculty serving as SR facilitators, will have participated in a total of 166 program sessions with each Brunswick Boy engaging on average 13 hrs./school year. The Brunswick Sweet Readers program became self-sustaining within three years.
Brunswick boys have lit up the lives of adults struggling with Alzheimer’s in Greenwich, Stamford, Rye, Tarrytown and Briarcliff Manor. Friday afternoons will never be the same, especially for the residents at The Greens at Greenwich as those Brunswick Sweet Readers and their adult partners, transform each other’s lives.
Sweet Readers has become an important part of the school’s culture and Brunswick boys have participated in a number of community events to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and help fund new communities.
This wonderful community is not only fully engaged with the programs in Westchester and Connecticut, they have been instrumental in expanding Sweet Readers to Europe and helping us develop a scalable training model! Learn more about our London expansion our News section.
With special thanks to Monica Berisso, Sarah Burdett, Anthony Fischetti, Max Kennedy, Kevin Landesman, Ann Paternina, Jim Stephens and Erin Withstandley.