- Get a friend (or many friends!) and make some baked goods like brownies or cookies or cupcakes (no nuts please!). If you want to be creative, include Sweet Readers pink and blue colors! Click here for our simple but delicious signature Sweet Readers heart cookies recipe.
- Download important information about Alzheimer’s, Brain Health and what you can do to help. You can put this information on an ipad or phone to share with passersby, print out copies to distribute and/or create your own posters with this information. If you are creating your own poster(s), then please feel free to include the authentic Sweet Readers Logos which you can find here.
- Get a piece of lined paper and create columns with the following headers: NAME EMAIL CITY/STATE At the stand, we want to see how many people you are able to raise awareness with and where they are from! If anyone would like to receive our newsletter, then they can also include their email (this is optional).
- Find a folding table, clean tablecloth (pink, white and blue are Sweet Readers colors!), an attractive box to safely store any donations you may receive (include a few dollar bills in case people would like change) and coordinate with your friend(s) to man the stand at the timing you have secured with the Sweet Readers Leadership Council. After you register, you will be contacted by one of our Young Leaders and we will send you your Sweet Readers Bracelets as a thank you for Making and Taking a Stand for people with Alzheimer’s.
- Day of sale: Set up your table and supplies, greet people with smiles and offer them baked goods and to talk to them about Alzheimer’s and how they can help! Share the information you have and encourage them to make a donation to Sweet Readers if they would like. Explain to them what Sweet Readers is and show them the web site (if you have an iPad or smart phone). Let them know they can donate cash or via credit card with your campaign link here.
- Have fun!!!
- When your Stand is over, calculate the amount of cash donations you have received (feel free to deduct the cost of your stand if you’d like), give the money to your parents and have them write a check in that amount, made payable to: Sweet Readers, Inc. and mail it, along with your list of people who came to your stand, to: 127 West 83rd Street, POB #418, New York, New York 10024
- Please ask your parents to write your name, as it appears on your registration, in the note section of the check so that we can credit you for your hard work. Parents (or the companies for which they work) may also wish to make a gift to Sweet Readers to match the amount of money you have raised!! Thank you so much for your support!!!